About Us

Thank you for visiting our website. At Esmee's Roozt, we hand make all of our products with natural ingredients. Our products are cruelty-free, vegan, and chemical-free. The idea of Esmee's Roozt started when my daughter was about two years old, and her hair was not growing. Worse of all, I found out that the store-bought products just weren’t working and that some of the products just made things worse.

So I decided to try my hand at making my own products for her hair. I started with simple things like making protein treatments with similar ingredients. I found out after a couple of months that natural products worked better, and her hair started to grow so much that people were noticing it.


I began using my handmade products for her and my hair. I even got others to start using them as well. I was happy when they benefited from my products. That’s what made me decide to share my creations with the world.

I hope these products help you as much as they helped my daughter and me. I hope you enjoy what we have to offer.